Jill Treece Doesn't Let a Little Set Back Hold Her Back on her Quest to the Top.

Jill Treece Doesn't Let a Little Set Back Hold Her Back on her Quest to the Top.


To say that Eventing is not for the faint of heart, would be an understatement. Jill's journey has been a statement to not only her heart but also her warrior spirit. With a major setback to her beloved Beau's health, Jill was determined not only to bring him back but to make him his best. Putting her riding goals on hold, her instinct and uncanny horsemanship skills gave her an unwavering determination when others doubted as she persevered until she found the core of Beau's issue. Jill is a true testament to always putting your horse first, she's a shiny example of what is right in this challenging sport. With Beau happily settled in his forever home, Jill has partnered with Zoe and is back on her quest to the top.
Name:  Jill Treece
Home Base:  Little Rock, Arkansas
Discipline:  Eventing
Horses:  Zoe (personal) Bubbles (project and I don't own her!)
Started Riding:  11 years ago at age 8.
Recent Highlight of your Riding career: Zo and I got two third place scores at USEA recognized Events this fall, qualifying us for the American Eventing Championships.
Horse that had the most impact on your journey: Most definitely Zoe. Beau taught me loads, but also a ton of bad habits. Zo pushes me to be a better rider and play by the book as she is extremely no nonsense and demands perfection!
Most Challenging Time in your Riding career: When I needed to sell my previous horse, Beau. we sent him down to a sales barn (who found him for us four years prior) to be sold. After three months, he didn't sell and we found out why. He came back without any of the weight or musculature I had worked so hard with him to develop.
With losing all of his muscle, he could no longer run Training Level. So I got totally set back a season. Not only could I not buy a "move up" horse, but I also had to move Beau back down to Novice, and redo his training process all over again. I had already done this once when I bought him, then again after his Keratoma removal surgery, and then again after his white line disease illness. So running on the fourth restart, I was pretty tired of looking at him (figure of speech he actually had the most precious face!). So I pushed on and after getting over my own personal expectations, unfair frustrations, and ego, we really made a lovely break through. I had always loved that silly horse with all my heart. He was truly such a pain, but he would do anything for me and taught me more about myself than any human I've ever met.
How did you overcome this Challenge? I sort of just pushed on anyway. It's what I've always done. No matter what stands in my way in riding, there is always what I choose to make of it. Personal perception is everything. I've could've thrown in the towel and given up, as I wanted to do many time, but something in me just wouldn't let it go. And I am so glad I didn't. I spent the last months with him before he sold loving him more than ever. If definitely taught me in a roundabout-metaphorical sort of way that life truly is what you make of it. Each situation has limitless ways to be gone about. The world isn't black and white, and simply because it is your instinct to act impulsively, frustrated, upset, or whatever have you, that doesn't truly have to be the way you feel. It is in every one of us to make our lives our own personal sanctuary. Bad things happen and things certainly don't always go our way, however, if we push on and do what is best for us and those around us, in the end, we've done our part, and happiness is unavoidable. (WOW definitely didn't see this answer going there when I started typing that!)
Most Rewarding Moment: I'd say the most rewarding moment for me was solving Zoe's stress issue stemming from a general discomfort issue! After trying Simply Equine hair analysis and their supplements, she was a different horse. I knew something was wrong, but every vet, chiropractor, trainer, and even farrier I spoke to, all said nothing appeared wrong. She was having a minor deficiency in some herb and nutritional areas affecting her lungs, kidneys, and ligaments. Post-supplements she relaxed and literally became a whole other animal.
Same thing with Beau. I knew something was wrong well before the Keratoma and WLD issues. No one believed me, but I know my horses! I couldn't be more grateful for that bit of horsey sense or readability there! I suppose you'd call that finding my horse sense!
Who has inspired you? My coach, Gena Rossini has beea huge and key player in my riding. She has guided me through so many training techniques and philosophies I couldn't even begin to name them. She is truly a stand up woman:)
Obviously, my parents who are amazingly supportive, and drop everything on the weekends to travel to clinics or shows hours away. My dad always has a carrot in one hand for Zo and a camera, iPad or iPhone in the other filming and taking pictures for my Social Media Platforms. Mom films sometimes but usually the footage contains mostly sky or grass!
Then, Sunny Shepherd, who not only bred my mare, but also is an insanely amazing friend & teammate. She encourages me and everyone else at shows no matter who you are or what you ride. She often provides me with a young OTTB to introduce to eventing or jumping or dressage, whatever the horse decides! It has made me take humongous strides in my riding skill level working with such clean slates! She is truly amazing and I am so grateful to have a friend as supportive and generous as Sunny😄 I am so grateful for all of these amazing people. I truly don't know what I would do without them.
Words to Live By: "PULL YOUR LEG BACK" - My coach haha!
Looking forward; where do you see yourself? I wonder the same thing! Either furthering my career into the FBI or world of Sport Horses
Looking back; what advise would you give your younger self? Probably to start Instagram earlier and do it better so I would have so many weirdo moments out there!

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